jsl Aviation

jsl Aviation are a management consultancy who specialise in aircraft purchasing, supplier management, engineering and maintenance, providing independent advice to aircraft operators and businesses within the aviation sector.

Aircraft Purchasing

Business Audit

Our Consultants

Aircraft Maintenance Cost Reductions`

Aircraft Reliability Driven Solutions

Our team of consultants have specialised knowledge that assist operators in delivering cost effective solutions, whether through process improvement and change management, supplier negotiations, retendering and performance management, stock assessment, manpower and facility planning, or assessment of insourcing and outsourcing options.

Understanding the total cost to the business is key to our model for selecting suppliers.

Our aim is to provide 'cost effective' solutions that take a holistic view of the effect on your business with the ultimate benficiary being your customers.

Our team have considerable experince of negotiating agreements across the aviation sector.

The jsl Aviation team of consultants are seasoned industry professionals, drawn from various sectors across the engineering and maintenance sector, most having held senior positions at airlines, MRO's, OEM's or related service providers.

Our consultants have negotiated the purchase of aircraft with virtually all manufacturers worldwide, working with many financial institutions for funding and tax specialists to ensure full, but cost effective, compliance.

Most engagements focused on business improvment goals normally commence with a current situation audit.

Our team will discreetly assess current business pratices, following which a series of change recommendations will be made to the company senior team.

Specialised Areas include;

Understanding the effect on aircraft operational performance is key in all our business solutions.


Supplier Selection